Under the Social Service Division various problems were mentioned. He said that there was a small list of dependable attorneys for those who needed legal aid. He added that there were always emergency calls for employment and housing, but that only in rare instances could any help be given that the Division was not organized nor staffed adequately enough for that as yet.
As to the editorial policy of ONE Magazine, he said that it strove to give as democratic a presentation of views in the field of homophilia as possible. An interesting fact that he mentioned was that there were 200 friends of ONE throughout the world who do a clipping service for the magazino.
Jim Kepner, associate editor, ONE Magazine, spoke on the purposes of ONE, Inc., and the differences in approaches by the various homosexual organizations. He contrasted them with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) which is aggressive and assertive compared to the conservative National Urban League which believes in "light without heat". He believes there is a definite need for different approaches in our field. He said, "ONE doesn't think we should sit back and leave research to the professionals. Who now questions the right and ability of Negro or Jewish scholars, or those of other races or minorities, to study their particular problems?" He felt that first maybe we should find out what we think on the subject and then present this viewpoint, thereby giving homosexuals standards of judgement by which to measure their own opinions, and an integrated approach to life.
He spoke of biology as applied to homosexuals and asked, "Do the psychologists and psychiatrists who talk of causes know of the research in this field?" Kepner said that ONE is speaking primarily to the homo sexual and secondarily to the general public; that ONE wants to give homosexuals a voice. ONE does not want toleration in a ghetto system for homosexuals, nor are chameleon-type homosexuals a goal. A rightful place in society for homosexuals is ONE's goal, he stated. ONE is primarily educational, Kepner said, and while it is openly critical of laws as they are it does not encourage people